General Vista You of Civís. (Clicad to see the greatest image).
You of Civís, or Aós, one is located to the right of the confluence of the rivers of Setúria and Salòria, where the river of Aós and on the foot of pic of Aós forms (2,406 m.s of altitude), the most western summit of the mountain range of Enclar and terminal next to the parishes of Aós and Andorra the Vell and Santo Julià de Lòria, in the Principality of Andorra. The Parish is consecrated to Sant Pere and also has an old castle. All it turns it into the center of the Valley of Aós , sector of the region of the river of the same name, waters above of the bridge of Bixesarri, which, even though geographically is Andorran (the only one comfortable communication channel of Aós is the highway which, following the course of the river, it unites to him to Sant Julià de Lòria), has always belonged politically to the Alt Urgell (with which it 
communicates directly only through the Coll de Conflent, of 2,150 m.s of altitude). Near the bridge of Bixesarri was farga of Aós , that was in activity until s. XIX. It belonged to the vizcondado one of Castellbò. The entrance to the town becomes by a very wide street with commerce to both sides and plenty of tourist articles and good inns. The houses are constructed with stone and slate tile roofs. From the town, and by a paved way and it costs above we will arrive at the románica church from Sant Pere and Santa Margarita, who formerly had been a castle. In another order of things we can assure that the dependency of Andorra is almost total with the exception of the light, that is provided by urgelense company PEUSA, from year 1982, after the riadas forts. Before it the town lived almost in the Average Age. Good day, when seeing themselves incomunicados, without at least telephone, the neighbors of the town decided to unite their efforts and to constitute the "Associació d'Amics d'Aós of Civís", of which a majority part is Barcelonian lovers of the town and its surroundings. This has allowed the restoration of many town halls, simultaneously that have also served to make a front common before the administrations and to obtain, at least, some subvention with the purpose of recovering the románica church of Aós, consecrated to Sant Pere, like there are saying, and that was back in a ruinous state years ago. 
We suppose that caused by the nervousness of the first moment of the riadas ones of the 82, the inhabitants of the town lived at those moments a tragicómica situation. Incomunicados as they were, saw as a helicopter of the Civil Guard approached, who, instead of landing, threw slips of paper in which it was reflxed mng yes "need something telephone"... The town did not have telephone! On the other hand, the collection of sweepings, the cleaning of the highway and other services are provided by the Comú de Sant Julià de Lòria. 
Although the administrative forgetfulness has been clear and evident, the push of the Association has caused that the town conserves all the enchantment of a village of high mountain, with the houses of stone and lampposts of forge, paid of the pocket of the neighbors. In addition the church saw recovered its graceful vestibule, simultaneously that consolidated the building. All this thanks to a project of restoration that the Association ordered and to a pair of subventions of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
The church of Sant Pere had a mural painted to the fresh air, of gothic origin, at the moment in the Diocesano Museum d'Urgell. The pictorial assembly "Santa Cena", of 188 xs 263 cm. where the grayish tones predominate. This sample, although is lost a good part of its policromía, he is interesting by his composition and harmony, and the assembly of 
"El Sant Sopar", mural painted to the fresh air, of gothic origin, that at the moment can be seen in the Diocesano Museum of the Seu d'Urgell. 
vasijas and objects of the time that give a special enchantment him. The church of Aós, of Romanesque a simple one, presides over above from of the hill all the town. Also You of Civís she was protagonist of a peculiar fact in the middle of the Eighties. The town had a casino, illegal, that the mossos of esquadra disarticulated removing the tables from game with helicopters, before the impossibility to act, police through the Andorran territory.

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